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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Error when Granting Access to the User at tenant root scope “/” to deploy Enterprise-Scale


You want to deploy Enterprise-Scale Architecture at your Azure Environment.

One of the prerequisite is to explicitly provide roleAssignment (RBAC) at the tenant root scope via CLI or PowerShell (Note: There’s no portal UX to make this roleAssignment)

However several error occurred when you try to run the following command at Azure CLI to provide the role Assignment.

  • az login

Error message: The following tenants don't contain accessible subscriptions. Use 'az login --allow-no-subscriptions' to have tenant level access.

  • az role assignment create --scope '/'  --role 'Owner' --assignee-object-id $(az ad signed-in-user show --query  objectId)

Error message: Failed to query --assignee-principal-type for "7786a679-034b-42cc-a23a-xxxxxxxxxxxx" by invoking Graph API. RBAC server might reject creating role assignment without --assignee-principal-type in the future. Better to specify --assignee-principal-type manually. The Principal ID '"7786a679-034b-42cc-a23a-xxxxxxxxxxxx"' is not valid. Principal ID must be a GUID.


To fix the issue, the command needs some small changes. Instead of using the above command, try to use the following command:

  • az login -t
  • az role assignment create --scope '/'  --role 'Owner' --assignee-object-id "7786a679-034b-42cc-a23a-xxxxxxxxxxx"

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

How to connect to RDP with Azure AD account?

You have an Azure AD joined machine in the network. You want to use the Azure AD credentials to remote desktop that machine.
You try to enter the Azure AD username and password when prompted, however the login process is always fail.

1. Open Control Panel and go to System, then open Remote settings.
2. Uncheck the Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication.
3. Edit the RDP connection file in notepad.
4. Add a line to the file and type "enablecredsspsupport:i:0". Save the File.
5. Use the RDP connection file to connect to the Azure AD  joined machine.

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