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Monday, April 6, 2009

Missing PTR Record in DNS

You create a PTR record on your Active Directory Integrated DNS Server. After a while the PTR record suddenly missing. Your Active Directory and your DNS server are working fine. Replication between Domain Controller also working normally.

Be sure the "register this connection's addresses to the DNS" checkbox option is enable, the server than will automatically register its ptr record to the DNS server.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Enable Strict Replication Consistency

Supposed a domain controller get disconnected from the replication topology for an extended period and then later on reconnect it. You need to make sure that no outdated Active Directory objects can be replicated within the forest.

Use regedit command and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters
Create a Strict Replication Consistency with REG_DWORD data type. Set 1 as the value.

This setting ensures that no outdated objects are reintroduced into Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
You need to set it on all of the Domain Controller within the Forest.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Error when burning CD

Have you ever get an issue when trying to burn some files to a CD/DVD?
In my case I got error writing Lead-In when trying to burn some file using UltraISO on my IBM T42 CD ROM (HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4242N). I can use it to read any CD/DVD with no issue.
I try to change the burner software to Nero but got similar error too. Try to lower the burning speed with no luck.
Previously I remember that I can burn a CD with that CD ROM, somehow it's just stop working.
I try to search for a driver update but cannot find any. A firmware update maybe available but I think that's too much for the issue.
Finally I try to clean the lenses. Just wipe it with a clean tissue, try to burn, and it works.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

AD Modify

If you ever need to change an attribute for a lot of user in Active Directory, you might want to use ADModify.Net tools. It is available free.

Following is the example for querying any user that has empty mobile phone number field in Active Directory.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

VMWare - Cannot start Client Machine - Failed to lock the file

You have setup a VMWare host and configure a couple of client machines inside.
One day you want to start the client machine but recieve an error "cannot open the ***********.vmdk or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. Reason: Failed to lock the file." You are certain that nothing is using that file.

Find the file with *.lck extension inside the VM directory on the host machine. Rename the extension into something else. Try to start the VM client again.

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