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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Error when using PowerShell Connect-MgGraph not recognized


You already install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK on your machine. However when trying to run a script that has "Connect-MgGraph" command, you encountered not recognized cmdlet, function, script  error. You have also restarted the machine and make sure the Microsoft Graph Module was loaded.


There might be some conflict between Microsoft Graph module and other module on your machine. The possible conflict are with Azure AD or MSOnline modules.

Try to install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK on other machine which has minimum or has only the default PowerShell module.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Intermittent ADFS Event ID 224 & 245 at WAP Server


At Web Application Proxy Server (WAP) configured to connect to ADFS, you saw several Event ID 224 & 245 intermittently appear. TCP Port 443 are already open between WAP and ADFS.


Make sure you have all the required certificate on WAP server, including the intermediate and trusted root of the SSL certificate.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Error 1297 when starting AD FS Service


When you try to start ADFS Service for the first time after finishing the configuration, you may encounter 1297 error.


You need to make sure that the service account that you use to run the ADFS Service has the following rights on the ADFS Server:

  • Logon As Service
  • Generate Security Audits

How to set mutisubnetfailover option on ADFS to SQL Database connection string


You want to use SQL Always On capability for your application. 

You need to change the Database Connection string.


Please run the following at PowerShell on all ADFS Server (one by one):

$temp= Get-WmiObject -namespace root/ADFS -class SecurityTokenService
$temp.ConfigurationdatabaseConnectionstring=”data source=<you sql instance>;multisubnetfailover=true;initial catalog=adfsconfiguration;integrated security=true”

Set-AdfsProperties –artifactdbconnection ”Data source=<you sql instance>;multisubnetfailover=true;Initial Catalog=AdfsArtifactStore;Integrated Security=True”

Exception Error when Running PowerShell command to Update the ADFS SQL Connection String.


As per article from, we need to run the following command to update the SQL connection string for the AD FS configuration database:

PS:\>$temp= Get-WmiObject -namespace root/ADFS -class SecurityTokenService
PS:\>$temp.ConfigurationdatabaseConnectionstring="datasource=<SQLCluster\SQLInstance>;initial catalog=adfsconfiguration;integrated security=true"


The update is necessary to support SQL Always On feature.

However, there's an "exception error" when you run the above script in PowerShell.


For modifying the connection string on the additional ADFS server in the Farm, you need to stop the ADFS Service first. After that run the above script and start the ADFS Service again.

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