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Monday, July 24, 2023

Failed F5 Big-IQ connection to Azure MFA


You have setup Azure MFA with NPS Extension in your Organization. You have make sure the firewall from and to your NPS server is configure properly. You have also make sure the internet connection from NPS Server to Azure MFA is working properly
Now, you want to test the the connection from your F5 Big-IQ to the NPS Server. However you got an error saying "Failed while connecting to radius server, server responded with: Access-Challenge". 
You also notice that there are No authentication challenge or prompt at Microsoft Authenticator Apps. 
From the event viewer you can see the following "NPS Extension for Azure MFA: CID xxxxx : Challenge requested in Authentication Ext for user Domain\UserName with state xxxxx".


NPS extension version 1.2.2216.1 or later is prompted to sign in with a TOTP method instead of Approve/Deny. If the Client doesn't support it, take the following steps to return to the Approve/Deny behavior.
Go to NPS Server, open the Registry Editor.

  1. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AzureMfa.
  2. Create the following String/Value pair:
    2. Value = FALSE
Restart the NPS Service.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Cannot Delete DNS Zone - Access was Denied


You have several DNS Zone listed in your Active Directory Integrated DNS Server.
One day, you want to remove one of the DNS Zone there. However you got an error message saying Access was Denied.
You are already using a Domain Admins account.


You or other Admin probably already set the protection from accidental deletion for those DNS Zones.
On the DNS Manager Console, go to the DNS Zone that you want to delete. Open the properties and go to Security Tab. Open Advanced and Edit the Everyone (Deny) permission. Remove the check mark on the Delete Objects and Delete All Child Objects permission. Click Apply, click Ok.
You should be able to delete the DNS Zone.

How to Fix "Trust Relationship Failed" error without Rejoin Domain


One of your users suddenly sees the error message "Trust Relationship Between This Workstation And The Primary Domain Failed" when trying to logon to their machine.
You have verify the Computer Account is exist on Active Directory. DNS settings are properly set and there's no problem with port or networking.
You wish to remediate the issue without having to disjoin and rejoin the computer to the domain.


On the problematic machine, logon using local admin credential. Open PowerShell and run as Administrator. 
Type the following:
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server DomainController -Credential


If the command completed successfully, logoff and try to logon again.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Migrate from Windows Hello to Windows Hello For Business (WHFB)


You have deployed Windows Hello in the past to several machines in the organizations. Recently you got direction from Management to deploy Windows Hello For Business (WHFB) for your organization. 
You have enable the Hybrid Cloud Kerberos trust and the configured required group policy. However, on the test machine, no WHFB got the prompt for provision. You have try to restart and make sure the WFHB group policy apply correctly.


Since you previously deployed Windows Hello, you need to make sure the "old" policy is being disabled.
Go to "Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Turn on convenience PIN sign-in". Make sure it is Disabled.

Multiple Prompt when creating Azure AD Kerberos Server object


You want to Deploy Windows Hello For Business with Hybrid Cloud Kerberos type in your environment.
You have met all the require prerequisites. However when trying to create Azure AD Kerberos Server object using below PowerShell command you encounter multiple prompt asking for Azure AD credential.

# Specify the on-premises Active Directory domain. A new Azure AD
# Kerberos Server object will be created in this Active Directory domain.
$domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
# Enter an Azure Active Directory global administrator username and password.
$cloudCred = Get-Credential -Message 'An Active Directory user who is a member of the Global Administrators group for Azure AD.'
# Enter a domain administrator username and password.
$domainCred = Get-Credential -Message 'An Active Directory user who is a member of the Domain Admins group.'
# Create the new Azure AD Kerberos Server object in Active Directory
# and then publish it to Azure Active Directory.
Set-AzureADKerberosServer -Domain $domain -CloudCredential $cloudCred -DomainCredential $domainCred


Make sure the Azure AD Global Administrator account that you are using during configuration are not included in any of Azure AD Conditional Access rules. You may also need to close the previous PowerShell session and try again.

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